Who we are

About Us

The Renegade Trade Company are, at their heart, an RP/Social FC. Our goal is to tell great stories and enjoy RP together, both in game and out. Our discord is as much our home OOC as The Den is ICly.Our membership covers a wide variety of player characters from a diverse background, and each brings a unique perspective to who we are. We embrace that, which comes out in our story telling.

What to expect

There is a difference between IC and OOC leadership in Renegade Trade Co. OOC leadership deals with much of the OOC issues that arise as well as manages the daily affairs of the company as needed.ICly, your character can, through interaction, participation, and quality RP, earn an IC leadership position that will translate to both power and responsibility for the character, without the trappings of dealing with OOC affairs.Growth in this company will largely be based on a mix of participation and quality RP (in whatever color or form it comes in). However, it is important for you, as a prospect, to know, that it is incumbent upon you to find reasons for your character to be present and active. It is your character to play, please do not place the burden of writing why your character would do something on the shoulders of someone else. We expect you to take ownership of your characters actions or lack there of.

Let's talk about Lore

The Renegade Trade Company are, for the most part, Lore Plausible. This means that there should be a good example of what characters are within the world that has been built by Square Enix.We strive to be open enough that people can let their creativity be flexed. However, there are things that will be deal breakers. Its not that we are saying you cannot be what you want to be, just that you're theme might be better among those of a similar vein.The onus rests with you, as a player, to bring up anything you feel may need to be discussed when joining, bringing it up with OOC leadership. Each case is unique and will be treated on an individual basis. We will try to be open minded; if you have something that falls outside of the bounds of established lore, we ask that as a prospective player, help us understand how you feel it still fits within the spirit of the lore. As one of our members once said "Sell me on it."

Things that are hard "No" within the Renegade Trade Co:- Immortality
- Warrior of Light/Dark
- Anything Ascian Related
- Being related or tied to established NPCs
- Playing as a race that doesn't exist in established canon, or is extremely limited (IE-Padjal or Beast Tribes)
- Fantasias do not exist in lore. (Exceptions: OOC use for character change, retcons and possible outlier reasons that can be discussed.)
While not everyone may agree with these, that is okay, this is simply were we draw the line.

If any of this does not resonate with you, we encourage you to have a conversation with OOC Leadership.